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Department | MANAGEMENT, FINANCE AND PROCUREMENT By Classroom Training |
Program | Procurement and Supply: CIPS |
Training | Advanced Diploma in Procurement & Supply (Level 5) |
Plan | Part time study |
Session | November 2023 Re-opening |
Start date | 2023-11-06 |
Duration | 2.5 Months |
Type | Description | Amount |
Registration | IMIT Registration / Level admission | XAF 25,000 |
Registration | CIPS Student Membership (for students who have never registered with CIPS before) (Optional) | XAF 85,000 |
Tuition | Part time study fee for L5M1: 12 Credits (Optional) | XAF 85,000 |
Tuition | Part time study fee for L5M2: 12 Credits (Optional) | XAF 85,000 |
Tuition | Part time study fee for L5M3: 6 Credits (Optional) | XAF 50,000 |
Tuition | Prt time study fee for L5M4: 6 Credits (Optional) | XAF 50,000 |
Tuition | Part time study fee for L5M5: 6 Credits (Optional) | XAF 50,000 |
Tuition | Part time study fee for L5M6: 6 Credits (Optional) | XAF 50,000 |
Tuition | Part time study fee for L5M7: 6 Credits (Optional) | XAF 50,000 |
Tuition | Part time study fee for L5M8: 6 Credits (Optional) | XAF 50,000 |
Tuition | Part time study fee for L5M9: 6 Credits (Optional) | XAF 50,000 |
Tuition | Part time study fee for L5M10: 6 Credits (Optional) | XAF 50,000 |
Exam | L5M1 CR Exam Fee (Optional) | XAF 82,000 |
Exam | L5M2 CR Exam Fee (Optional) | XAF 82,000 |
Exam | L5M3 OR Exam Fee (Optional) | XAF 60,000 |
Exam | L5M4 OR Exam Fee (Optional) | XAF 60,000 |
Exam | L5M5 OR Exam Fee (Optional) | XAF 60,000 |
Exam | L5M6 OR Exam Fee (Optional) | XAF 60,000 |
Exam | L5M7 OR Exam Fee (Optional) | XAF 60,000 |
Exam | L5M8 OR Exam Fee (Optional) | XAF 60,000 |
Exam | L5M9 OR Exam Fee (Optional) | XAF 60,000 |
Exam | L5M10 OR Exam Fee (Optional) | XAF 60,000 |
Registration | CIPS annual student membership fee (payable annualy after one year of payment of the first CIPS student membership fee). All CIPS fees are subject to changes by CIPS. (Optional) | XAF 65,000 |