Computing and Information Systems (ABMA Education Ltd, UK)
ABMA Education is a British vocational qualifications awarding body, accredited by the UK government‟s Office of Qualifications (Ofqual). IMIT is an important ABMA recognized center in Cameroon. Students can progress to Universities such as; Richmond University, University of Greenwich, University of Derby, Southampton University etc for further studies.
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Available training courses

Level 4 Professional Diploma in Computing and Information Systems
The ABMA Level 4 Diploma is a post secondary international qualification equivalent to the first year of a UK Bachelor's degree. Holders of this Diploma will be admitted to the se...
Level 5 Professional Diploma in Computing and Information Systems
Equivalent to the second year of a UK Bachelor's degree programme. Holders of the Level 5 professional Diploma will be admitted to the 3rd year of the Bachelor's degree programme ...
Level 6 Professional Diploma in Computing and Information Systems
Equivalent to a UK Bachelor's degree. Holders of the ABMA Education Ltd's Level 6 professional Diploma will be admitted for a Master's degree programme in a partner University of ...